Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Opening Sequence - Brick

Brick – Opening Sequence
The title of the film:
The title of the film is called ‘Brick’ and it appears on the screen after we see the school setting, and it’s a quick cut into it. The text is central on the screen and it is on a black background, and after it’s faded out. Also, when the title appears on the screen the music stops almost forcing the audience question what this film is going to be about.

How the setting/location is revealed:
Firstly, all we see is close ups of the scene and of a person making the viewer wonder where this film is set, but it then cuts to an establishing shot of the setting. The audience sees a tunnel or a storm drain, and in it there is a man kneeling down looking over at a body of a murdered girl. Also, further on into the opening sequence another establishing shot is used to show a long and empty road with a phone box, while the boy is sitting there.

Well the clothing from the opening sequence seems to be very normal, everyday clothing, but when get the close ups of the descent girl we see that she is wearing high heels and a formal skirt suggesting that the girl was going somewhere nice and didn’t plan to get all muddy shown by the close up of her legs. Also, the props of the ‘blue bracelets’ can tell the audience that this girl is young and almost innocent as she is shown at school with these bracelets on. Lastly, nearing the end of the opening sequence we see a cigarette with an arrow on it making the viewer wonder at what this means, and what is going to happen.

Camera work/editing:
I like the use of the longs shot/establishing shot of the storm drain, as I feel it’s a really well composed shot using the ‘rule of thirds’, with the tunnel in the middle and the two people either side. Also, a sound bridge is used between the girl’s arm in the drain then it shown to the school, and we know that it’s a school by the viewer being able to hear the school bell and lots of kids talking. Lastly, many close ups are used building tension for the audience, making them feel uncomfortable and curious.

Title and font style:
The main title in all of the opening sequence is the title of the film ‘Brick’, it’s in capital letters and the font is almost traditional, like it isn’t giving to much information away for the viewer, not saying what it’s about straight away. The text ‘2 days previous’ makes the audience ask questions like when and where what has happened?

How the opening sets the story:
Well the story is mainly set when we see and establishing shot of the storm drain with the girl and the boy also within the shot. Yet, this shot doesn’t give too much away for the viewer as it makes the question at how and what has happened, especially to the girl. Also, the establishing shot of the empty road with the phone box sets the scene as the audience wonders if they will find out what has happened or if they have to keep watching to find out.

How does it suggest that it’s a thriller:
The opening sequence can suggest that the film is going to be a thriller by the opening being in broad daylight but it gives off a creepy, sinister atmosphere, as the music is building louder and more uncomfortable making the tension build for the audience. Also, when the boy is on the phone to the girl a story is unfolding about a ‘brick’ and then a car drives by fast as the girl panics making the viewer question it more.

The characters introduced:
From the first few shots we see close ups of two people a male and female, but when we see them we don’t actually get to see their faces fully, only parts of them, making it more creepy and making the audience wonder at who they are. From the opening sequence we learn that both characters are young and that they go to school as we see the blue bracelets at lockers and then we see the male by the same lockers, and also the sounds of school bells and children talking suggest that they are young.

Special effects:
I believe that in the opening sequence of ‘Brick’ is kept very basic and simple with no real effects maybe making it a lot easier for the viewer to understand and know what’s going on. Although, I feel that the shot from the bracelets of the girl on the floor to them being in a school environment is really effective as it is going to show the viewer what happened.

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