There is a distinctive difference between an opening sequence and trailer, and here I will explain and show how they are different with a referred example of the film 'Seven'.
Movie Trailer:
Firstly, a movie trailer is a very short piece of footage, that involves fast pace and montage editing to give the audience an overview of the story/plot of the film. Also, within the trailer many shots are used and it is likely that over 80 shots would be used due to the trailer being fast paced, during in the viewer making them want to see the movie. Usual conventions are used like a voice over giving details and showing the audience at what actors are starring in the film. The trailer should never give away the ending, and doing that no one would see the film as the audience would know what happens, but the trailer has to show the good, action bits to draw in the viewer to see that film. Lastly overall, the trailer has to persuade the audience to go and watch the movie.
Movie Opening Sequence:
An opening sequence is very different to a trailer, as usually the audience gets to familiarise the setting and establish where the beginning is, and these clips are edited continually and its much more slower paced, like its leading the audience into the narrative. Sometimes the audience gets introduced to some characters or actors through clips or titles, and sometimes the viewer is able to establish the mood or tone of the movie, like its creating an atmosphere. Also, a soundtrack is sometimes used to help set the mood of the film. Lastly, the viewers need to feel curious and engaged, wanting their questions to be answered within the film, making them watch on.
Underneath is an example of a trailer of the movie 'Se7en'.
Underneath is an example of the opening sequence of the movie 'Se7en'.
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