Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Styles for Titles
This text is called “Static Buss” I like this one the most, as you cannot quite see the text as it is fuzzy, making the audience wonder at what is going to happening and why the events are going to happen. Also, I just think it looks very creepy for the viewer, almost forcing them to watch.
This text is called "Kremlin" and I like this one a lot as I feel that the E's being backwards make the audience a little more weary towards the film, almost making them question at what will happen, and if it will be a good thing or a bad thing.
This text is called "Plakkaat" and I feel that it could work within the opening sequence as like other thriller openings it is in big and bold, like it is kept basic just to keep things simple for the viewer, not making a fuss over the titles, just keeping them interested in the film.
This type of text is known as "Zombie" and I feel that this could be used in our opening sequence as it shows an edgy style, almost like that something is happening and can't be stopped, like it needs to be done, like the crime needs to be committed.
Characters & Costumes
Eddie plays the main character Jay, and he is the victim within the movie, and this is strange as it is usually a woman who is the victim but in our opening the woman is a killer. He is wearing a blue coat maybe to suggest that he is a calm person and will cause no harm, and that the audience should sympathise with him as he is the innocent one. Also, Eddie being dressed in everyday clothing makes the character seem more realistic.
Tom is playing the character of Will, who is the main cause of the murder of Jay, he is having an affair with Carly and they are both trying to get Jay's money. Will looks like a normal person but he is wearing the dark colours of black and grey, like he is hiding something from the audience and that they have to carry on watching to find out just how evil this character is. Also, Tom was chosen as the killer as it is typical to see a male lead commit the crime.
Jade is playing the character of Carly, who is in a partnership with Jay, but she assists the murder of Jay. She is clothed in the colours of black and red, and these can present that she is a dark person, full of anger and rage towards Jay, also the colour red can suggest the blood and hurt she has caused just to get Jay's money. Throughout the opening we don't see her face almost to make the viewer question if she is good or bad.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thriller Opening Sequence – Script
In our opening sequence there is no dialogue but there is a phone message that is left in a panic tone. The message left will be along the lines of warning the character of Jay that he is in trouble and needs to escape. But through the film we learn that the partner Carly really set him up with her secret lover Will.
Thriller Opening Sequence – Props, Costumes and Locations
→ A Knife – covered in blood to show that it’s the murder weapon.
→ Home Phone – this when Carly leaves the message, almost a way to help the audience at what is happening.
→ A Ring – On Jays finger showing that he is the victim at first then cutting to his normal life.
→ Books, Paper, Glass & Picture Frame – shows that one of the characters is an artist and the titles will appear on them e.g. producer, composer, etc.
The death scene:
→ Jay will be covered in blood and mud, the clothing, which was fancy will also be ripped showing that something bad has happened to him, and this can make the audience think about what has happened and why would it happen.
→ The two killers Carly and Will would be in dark clothing almost to show that they are hiding something.
The house scene:
→ Jay is wearing normal, everyday clothing to show the viewer that nothing is wrong and doesn’t hint at that he will be murdered.
→ River/Woodland – This location is where the murder scene is and it’s a nice place for the opening of a thriller as it creates a sinister atmosphere making the viewer question at what has happened. Also, the woodlands can suggest that the death scene is empty; it’s a vast space where no one could help Jay.
→ House (bathroom/bedroom) – This location almost breaks the creepy, sinister atmosphere and bringing the mood back too an everyday life, which makes the viewer feel a lot more comfortable.
Thriller Opening Sequence – Sound
→ Breathing – to increase the tension in the opening and making the audience feel scared.
→ Alarm Clock – used as a sound bridge to break up the scenes.
→ Shower – makes the opening more everyday, almost reassuring the viewer.
→ Phone Calling – the audience questions, who is calling and why?
→ Answer Phone Message – increases the tension amongst the audience, and it almost gives them more clues.
Thriller Opening Sequence – Shot List
→ Close up – shows emotions, to show shots of everyday things like Jay turning off the alarm clock.
Film Synopsis – Deceit
In the opening sequence of ‘Deceit’ we firstly see the 3 main characters Jay, Carly and Will, but we see the dead body of Jay then Carly and Will walking away from the body. But then it quickly cuts to the alarm clock where we see Jay and Carly together as a couple and living a normal life. While Jay is in the shower Carly leaves a phone message (almost setting him up) and then disappears. This leaves the audience questioning at what will happen to Jay, and then what is Carly up to?
Shooting Schedule - Deceit
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Results from Thriller Questionnaire 3
Do you like the 'end' of the film at the beginning of the film?
Results from Thriller Questionnaire 2
What time of day do you like the opening set?
Results from Thriller Questionnaire
In the post before you can see that I produced a questionnaire to see what certain people like from a thriller opening sequence. Below I have produced some pie charts and tables to show some results from the questionnaire.
Questionnaire for an Opening Thriller Sequence
Questionnaire: Thriller, Hot or Not?
In this questionnaire we will be researching information about the opening of our thriller, and we are gathering information about thriller opening sequences, so we can establish a unique and interesting idea that will appeal to our target audience.
- Circle appropriate answers
- Answer questions truthfully, with your own opinion
Question 1
Do you like the end of the film to be shown at the beginning of the film?
Question 2
Do you like a cliff-hanger ending?
Strongly Agree Agree Don’t Know Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question 3
Describe your ideal thriller opening location.
Question 4
Do you prefer fast paced or slow paced music in the opening?
Question 5
List 3 features you expect for the following characters.
Question 6
Do you like lots of titles at the start of the film?
Question 7
What time of day do you expect a thriller opening to be set?
Early Morning Mid-day Night-time
Question 8
Do you think that the opening is important to a film?
Are you male or female?
Conventions of an Opening Sequence
- The audience is usually familiarised with the setting of the film, an establishing shot is used
- Clips are slow paced, and are edited in the style of continuity editing
- The viewer could be introduced to some characters
- Most times there are titles of producers or actors names
- It must 'hook' the viewer, making them want to watch the film and find out what's going to happen
Conventions of my Chosen Genre
A thriller has a lot of conventions to it to make it a successful thriller film. It must have the viewer hooked from start to end, making them question the events going on during the film. Some conventions could be:
Location Research for a Thriller
These are my 8 beautifully composed images for ideas for a location for a new thriller opening sequence.