Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Preliminary Task

Today in groups of three we had to complete a preliminary task, to show that we understood the ideas of 'Continuity Editing', and perfect our skills. Within the groups we had to film someone walking through a door, then going up to someone within the room and have a conversation with that person.
-Firstly, as a group we storyboard our ideas, thinking about the camera angles/shots, and making sure we some dialogue within the piece. Also, we had to make sure we were using many of the rules within 'Continuity Editing', like focusing on the 180 rule and match on action.
- We was then given a camera, tri-pod and tape to start filming. And within my piece the girl is walking through the door and walking up to a boy whom is sitting at a table. The boy is asking 'What"s wrong' which then the girl replies 'I'm pregnant'.

I believe that we used 'Continuity Editing' well within our piece of work, as while the girl and boy were talking we stuck to the idea of 'shot/reverse/shot' showing that they were having a conversation. Also, I believed we used 'Match on Action' well as we got the clip of the apple dropping onto the table, then rolling across the table and then lastly rolling on to the floor.

However, the task did have its difficulties, as once we had filmed the scene we had to import it onto the Macs, but we had trouble importing as the battery on the camera kept dying and we had the wrong wire to connect the camera and the Mac together. But we over came this by asking for the correct wire and getting a new battery for the camera. And now all the clips were imported, we were able to start editing.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Induction Tasks - EBI

Induction Tasks - EBI
Out of all the induction tasks I feel the one that didn't go so well was the re-creating of the advert 'Push a Little Button'. I felt that it didn't go so well because it was the first time in using all the equipment so it had some getting use too. Also, once I had filmed all the scenes I found it hard to import all the clips, as I got the wrong wire, so this process took a bit longer. But since this task I feel that I have improved a lot.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Induction Tasks - WWW

Induction Tasks - WWW
Over the past few weeks I have done a number of tasks from the induction pack, and the activity I believed that went well the most was the task of, creating a scene from 'Donnie Darko'. I enjoyed this task as it was one of the last activities in the induction, and I feel I completed this task well, as by this time I had a lot more knowledge with the camera and its equipment so I feel the filming process went well. I also felt that the importing of the film went well as it was really quick and gave me more time to edit my film on 'i-movie'.
During this task I learnt a lot about 'Continuity Editing' and within this I learnt about different rules like, 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot. And when I learnt them I tried to put them into my scene of re-creating 'Donnie Darko' and I feel that this is important because it made the scene look better and much more professional than when I first started the induction tasks.

How I Personalised My Blog.

My Personalised Blog & How I Did It.
- Firstly, once I logged into my blog, I clicked on the tab 'design' and then once I done that underneath it I clicked the tab saying 'template design', to further personalise my blog.
- Next, my blog appeared on the screen with the editing sources above it so I could see how my blog was looking while I was editing. So after I clicked on the tab 'Ethereal', and this was my themed design for my blog.
- After, I clicked on the tab 'background' and I chose the colour red to be my main colour on my blog. I then clicked on the actual colour of red and a box appeared with many themed headings, and I chose the tab 'patterns'.
- Lastly, I chose the pattern of 'Colonel' and then clicked the tab of 'Done' to set up my personalised background on my blog.

My First Blog Practice

Uploading an image.
1) Firstly, I clicked on the link that says 'add image' that looks like an image of a landscape.
2) Then I clicked on browse to look for an image in my documents.
3) Once I had chosen the image, I clicked 'upload image' and then image should appear in the text box.